Physics books
[4 items]

1.    Dual Resonance Models.    (technical)
Frontiers in Physics (1974). Pages i-xxiii and 1-451.
Book cover: link.

Dual Resonance Models and Superstrings, Second Edition
World Scientific (1986). Pages i-xvi and 1-538.
Book cover: link.

2. Gauge Field Theories.        (technical)
Frontiers In Physics (1986). Pages i-xx and 1-584.
Book cover: link.

Gauge Field Theories, Second Edition
John Wiley & Sons (2000). Pages i-vii and 1-343.
Book cover: link.

Gauge Field Theories, Third, Enlarged and Improved Edition
John Wiley & Sons (2008). Pages i-xi and 1-343.
Book cover: link.

3. Did Time Begin? Will Time End?            (popular)
World Scientific (2009). Pages i-vii and 1-108.
Book cover:  link.

4. History of Particle Theory.                  (popular)
(with J.E. Kim)
World Scientific (2020). Pages i-xvii and 1-213.
Book cover:  link
Korean edition Translated by Ki-Young Choi.
Book cover: link