1. Chirality Commutator and Vector Mesons.
Nuov. Cim. 48A, 703-708 (1967)
2. Superconvergence Sum Rules in pi-rho Scattering
(with J. C. Taylor)
Nuov. Cim. 49A, 152-156 (1967)
3. Superconvergence in pi-N* Elastic Scattering.
Nucl. Phys. B2, 518-524 (1967)
4. Factorization, Kinematic Factors of the Regge Residue Function,
and Conspiracy.
Nucl. Phys. B7, 507-526 (1968)
5. Crossing Symmetric Regge Model and Isovector Meson Decays.
Phys. Rev. 180, 1392-1394 (1969)
6. Dispersion Sum Rules for the Baryon Spectrum in an
O(3, 1) Dynamical Group Model.
(with B. Hamprecht)
Phys. Lett. 28B, 664-667 (1969)
7. Dispersion Sum Rules for the Non-Strange Baryon Spectrum.
(with B. Hamprecht)
Phys. Rev. 183, 1416-1424 (1969)
8. SU(3) Selection Rule from the Veneziano Model.
(with C. Michael)
Nuov. Cim. Lett. 2, 81-83 (1969)
9. Regge Trajectories and Nucleon Structure.
Phys. Rev. 186, 1419-1421 (1969)
10. Generalized Vector Dominance Theory and Vertex Functions.
Phys. Rev. D1, 3141-3151 (1970)
11. Form Factor Models and Chiral Symmetry.
Nuov. Cim. Lett. 3, 229-234 (1970)
12. Factorization of Satellite Terms in the N Particle Dual Amplitude.
Phys. Lett. 32B, 195-198 (1970)
13. Factorization of Satellite Terms in the N Particle Dual Amplitude II- The Single Planar Dual Loop.
(with R. J. Rivers)
Phys. Rev. D2, 691-694 (1970)
14. Conditions for Regge Behavior of an Absolutely Convergent
Veneziano Series.
(with C. W. Gardiner)
Phys. Rev. D2, 2378-2388 (1970)
15. No-Go Theorem for Dual Models.
(with A. P. Balachandran and L. N. Chang)
Nuov. Cim. 1A, 545-552 (1971)
16. Quark Focusing at Hadronic Vertices.
(with P. G. O. Freund)
Nucl. Phys. B24, 453-464 (1970)
17. Hadrodynamics and Quark Structure.
(with S. Ellis, P. G. O. Freund, and D. Gordon)
Nucl. Phys. B24, 465-489 (1970)
18. Hyperon Beta Decay.
(with W. -K. Tung)
Phys. Rev. D3, 1114-1121 (1971)
19. Perturbative Unitarity of Dual Loops.
(with P. Goddard and D. A. Wray)
Nuov. Cim. 3A, 755-762 (1971)
20. No-Go Theorem for Dual Models, Addendum.
Nuov. Cim. 3A, 763-765 (1971)
21. Duality and Inclusive Phenomenology.
(with J. Ellis, J. Finkelstein, and M. Jacob)
Phys. Lett. 35B, 227-230 (1971)
22. Why is (rho)’ Photoproduction Suppressed?
(with K. Schilling and C. Schmid)
Phys. Lett. 36B, 591-592 (1971)
23. Relative Importance of Dual Loops.
Phys. Lett. 36B, 591-592 (1971)
24. Phenomenological Duality for Pomeron-Proton Scattering.
(with P. V. Ruuskanen)
Phys. Lett. 38B, 78-80 (1972)
25. Duality and The Deck Effect.
(with N. Tornquist)
Nuov. Cim. Lett. 4, 233-236 (1972)
26. Dual Model Spectrum Analysis, Using Virasoro-Algebra Representations.
(with H. B. Nielsen)
Nucl. Phys. B45, 318-332 (1972)
27. O(n) Relations For Coupling Constants and Space-Time Dimensions In Dual Models.
Phys. Lett. 41B, 364-370 (1972)
28. Duality and Single Particle Inclusive Spectra
Involving Baryons.
Nuov. Cim. Lett. 6, 58-62 (1973)
29. A Study of the Hilbert Space Properties of the
Veneziano Model Operator Formalism.
(with L. Brink and H. B. Nielsen)
J. Math. Phys. 15, 1599-1605 (1974)
30. Symmetric Group and Meson Born Amplitudes.
Phys. Rev. D7, 3077-3091 (1973)
31. Regge Slope Expansion of Meson Born Amplitudes.
(with K. C. Wali)
Phys. Rev. D8, 1879-1886 (1973)
32. Possible Born Amplitude for Pions.
Nuov. Cim. Lett. 8, 525-530 (1973)
33. Symmetric Group Construction of a New Multiparticle
Amplitude for Physical Pions.
Phys. Rev. D9, 487-497 (1974)
34. Factorization Properties of Multipion Amplitude.
Phys. Rev. D9, 2861-2864 (1974)
35. An Investigation of Four-Meson Symmetric Group Dual Models.
(with K. Geer)
Phys. Rev. D10, 1284-1288 (1974)
36. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Regge Intercepts.
(with R. Cahalan)
Phys. Lett. 50B, 475-478 (1974)
37. Evidence for Critical Space-Time Dimensionality Equals
Four in Symmetric Group Model.
Phys. Rev. D11, 953-955 (1975)
38. Predictions of Quark and Dual Approaches to
Meson Classification.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 840-842 (1975)
39. N(bar)-N into 3(pi) Amplitudes and the Symmetric
Group Dual Resonance Model.
(with A. Nandy and T. Kalogeropoulos)
Phys. Rev D11, 1040-1042 (1975)
40. String Approaches to Hadron Structure.
Phys. Rev D12, 538-545 (1975)
41. Consequences of Direct (Psi)-Lepton Coupling.
(with V. Rabl)
Nuov. Cim. Lett. 13, 293-296 (1975)
42. Meson Mass Formula from Duality.
Phys. Rev. D12, 2164-2165 (1975)
43. Dual Resonance Model Incorporating Two
Different Parent Regge Trajectories In The Same Channel
(with V. Rabl)
Phys. Rev. D12, 3214-3220 (1975)
44. On the Multi-Regge Behavior of a Certain Class
of Dual Resonance Models.
(with D. Knight)
Nuov. Cim. Lett. 15, 125-128 (1976)
45. Uniqueness of S-Wave Non-Abelian Magnetic Monopole.
Phys. Rev. D14, 528-530 (1976)
46. Parton Model Derivation of Generalized Scaling Variable.
Nuov. Cim. Lett. 17, 499-500 (1976)
47. Vacuum Instability and Higgs Scalar Mass.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 1378-1380 (1976)
48. Consequences of Vacuum Instability in Quantum Field Theory.
Phys. Rev. D15, 2922-2928 (1977)
49. Model for Scaling Violation
(with J. J. Sakurai)
Phys. Rev. D16, 572-574 (1977)
50. Yang-Mills Vacua in Landau Gauge.
(with T. Hagiwara, W. F. Palmer and S. S. Pinsky)
Phys. Lett. 76B, 455-457 (1978)
51. Higgs Scalar in Heavy Vector Meson Decays.
(with W. W. Wada)
Phys. Rev. D19, 271-273 (1979)
52. Scale Invariance and Solitons.
(with L. Tyburski)
Nuov. Cim. Lett. 25, 13-16 (1979)
53. Conditions for Renormalizability of Quantum Flavor Dynamics.
Phys. Rev. D20, 3372-3377 (1979)
54. Estimate of Flavor Number From SU(5) Grand Unification.
(with S. Nandi and J. J. G. Scanio)
Phys. Lett. 85B, 225-228 (1979)
55. SU(N) Grand Unification with Several Quark-Lepton Generations.
Phys. Lett. 88B, 299-301 (1979)
56. Gauge Ambiguities, Zero Modes, and Classification of
Field Size.
(with T. Hagiwara)
Phys. Lett. 86B, 337-339 (1979)
57. SU(9) Grand Unification of Flavor with Three Generations.
(with S. Nandi)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 1460-1462 (1979)
58. Reply to “Noncontribution of n=4 Axial
Vector Anomaly”
Phys. Rev. D21, 1704 (1980)
59. Reply to “Comment on a Proposed New Anomaly”.
Phys. Rev. D21, 1709 (1980)
60. No-Go Theorem for SU(N) Unification of Extra-Strong Interactions.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 1912-1914 (1979)
61. Unification of Flavor.
Phys. Lett. 89B, 352-354 (1980)
62. Masses of Quarks in Grand Unification
(with K. Kang)
Had. J. 3, 814-823 (1980)
63. Unstable Heavy Particles.
(with S. L. Glashow)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 1481-1483 (1980)
64. Grand Unification in N=8 Extended Supergravity.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 881-883 (1981)
65. Tests of SU(7) Unification
(with P. H. Cox and A. Yildiz)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 1051-1053 (1981)
66. Natural Axion Invisibility and SU(N) Flavor Unification.
(with S. P. De Alwis)
Phys. Rev. D24, 3345-3347 (1981)
67. Massive Neutrinos.
(with P. Vogel)
Phys. Reports 82, 339-357 (1982)
68. Simultaneous Solution of Strong CP and Flavor Problems.
Phys. Rev. D25, 294-296 (1982)
69. Exceptionally Simple E(6) Theory.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. D25, 1459-1461 (1982)
70. Time-Averaged Neutrino Oscillations.
(with S. L. Glashow)
Phys. Rev. D25, 1982-1984 (1982)
71. Massive Neutrinos in E(6) Unified Theory with Harmless Axion.
(with T. W. Kephart, Y. J. Ng, and H. Van Dam)
Phys. Lett. 112B, 50-52 (1982)
72. Dynkin Weights and Global Supersymmetry in Grand Unification.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1237-1241 (1982)
73. Supersymmetric Family Unification.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Nucl. Phys. B211, 239-268 (1983)
74. Fractionally Charged Particles as Evidence for Supersymmetry.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1310-1313 (1982)
75. A Useful Formula for Witten’s Mass Heirarchy
(with H. Georgi and J. E. Kim)
Phys. Lett. 116B, 346-348 (1982)
76. Automatic Invisible Axion Without Domain Walls.
(with S. Dimopoulos, H. Georgi, and M. B. Wise)
Phys. Lett. 117B, 185-188 (1982)
77. Towards a Realistic Gauge Hierarchy
(with J. E. Kim)
Phys. Lett. 117B, 349-352 (1983)
78. N=8 Supergravity and Kaluza-Klein Axial Anomalies.
Phys. Lett. 122B, 351-354 (1983)
79. Invisible Axions in Supersymmetric SU(N)
(with T. Matsuki and W. W. Wada)
Phys. Rev. D27, 2204-2210 (1983)
80. Automaticity, Axion Invisibility, and
Cosmological Baryogenesis.
(with G. B. Lipton)
Nucl. Phys. B219, 41-60 (1983)
81. Anomalies and Fermion Masses in D Dimensions.
(with J. Preskill and H. Van Dam)
Phys. Lett. 124B, 209-211 (1983)
82. Explicit Evaluation of Anomalies in Higher Dimensions.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1343-1346 (1983)
83. Consistency Conditions for Kaluza-Klein Axial Anomalies.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1347-1349 (1983)
84. Analysis of Anomalies in Higher Space-Time Dimensions.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. D28, 1010-1023 (1983)
85. Cancelling the Hexagon Anomaly.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Lett. 131B, 80-82 (1983)
86. Staying Alive with SU(5).
(with S. L. Glashow)
Phys. Lett. 131B, 340-342 (1983) . Erratum 135B, 515(1984)
87. Supersymmetric Subconstituents and the Problem of Mass.
(with G. Mandelbaum)
Phys. Lett. 133B, 311-314 (1983)
88. Anomalies of Gravity-Coupled SU(N) Yang-Mills Theory.
Phys. Lett. 140B, 313-316 (1984)
89. Unitary Flavor Unification Through Higher Dimensions.
(with K. Yamamoto)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 2016-2018 (1984)
90. Results on Stability of Instanton-Induced
Compactification in Eight Dimensions.
(with P. Moxhay and K. Yamamoto)
Phys. Lett. 144B, 354-356 (1984)
91. Left-Right Asymmetry fron the Eight-Sphere.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 867-870 (1984)
92. Spontaneous Compactification and Chiral Fermions
(with K. Yamamoto)
Nucl. Phys. 254B, 349-366 (1985)
93. Chiral Fermions from Compactification of
O(32) and E(8)XE(8) String Theories
(with H. Van Dam and K. Yamamoto)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 1114-1117 (1985)
94. Systematics of Quark Mass Matrices in the
Standard Electroweak Model.
(with C. Jarlskog)
Phys. Lett. 154B, 421-424 (1985)
95. Weak Anomaly Cancellation in Even Dimensions.
(with K. Yamamoto)
Phys. Lett. 156B, 345-347 (1985)
96. One-Loop Finiteness in O(32) Open Superstring Theory.
(with Y. J. Ng and P. Moxhay)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2107-2110 (1985)
97. Modular Invariance in Closed Superstrings.
(with K. Kikuchi and Y. J. Ng)
Phys. Lett. 174B, 262-266 (1986)
98. Limitations of Heterotic Superstring Phenomenology.
(with H. W. Braden, T. W. Kephart, and A. K. Kshirsagar)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2668-2671 (1986)
99. Regularization of Open Superstring from Orientable Closed
(with A. K. Kshirsagar and Y. J. Ng)
Phys. Rev. D34, 2532-2534 (1986)
100. Explicit Evaluation of Pentagon Diagram for Open Superstring.
(with P. Moxhay and Y. J. Ng)
Nucl. Phys. B276, 599-616 (1986)
101. Worldsheet Supersymmetry.
(with H. W. Braden)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2112-2114 (1986)
102. Naturalness of Discrete Symmetries in Superstrings.
(with A. K. Kshirsagar)
Phys. Lett. 188B, 321-323 (1987)
103. Chiral Color: An Alternative to the Standard Model.
(with S. L. Glashow)
Phys. Lett. 190B, 157-161 (1987)
104. Unifiable Chiral Color with Natural GIM Mechanism.
(with S. L. Glashow)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2168-2170 (1987)
105. Two-Loop Chiral Anomalies in Open Superstrings.
(with T. W. Kephart and T. C. Yuan)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 1802-1804 (1987)
106. The P-Adic String N-Point Function.
(with Y. Okada)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 484-486 (1988)
107. Lower Limit on the Axigluon Mass from Upsilon Decay.
(with F. Cuypers)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 1237-1238 (1988)
108. Effective Scalar Field Theory of P-Adic String.
(with Y. Okada)
Phys. Rev. D37, 3077-3079 (1988)
109. Four-Dimensional Parafermionic String.
(with M. Ubriaco)
Phys. Rev. D38 1341-1343 (1988)
110. On Adelic Formulas for P-Adic Strings.
(with Y. Okada and M. R. Ubriaco)
Phys. Lett. 213B, 260-262 (1988)
111. New P-Adic Strings from Old Dual Models.
(with Y. Okada and M. R. Ubriaco)
Phys. Rev. D39, 1152-1157 (1989)
112. Theory of P-Adic Closed Strings.
(with H. Nishino)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 1960-1963 (1989)
113. Analysis of Bound States of Charged Fermion
and Abelian Dyon.
(with Y. C. Qi and J. Z. Zhang)
Phys. Rev. D40, 3533-3536 (1989)
114. Lower Bound on Axigluon Mass from
Electron-Positron Annihilation.
(with F. Cuypers)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 125-127 (1989)
115. SU(15) Grand Unification.
(with B. H. Lee)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 619-621 (1990)
116. Stability Analysis of P-Adic String Solitons.
(with H. Nishino)
Phys, Lett, 242B, 354-356 (1990)
117. Cosmogenesis and Primary Quantization.
(with I. Volovich)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A5, 1825-1832 (1990)
118. Families in Confining Theory of Quarks,
Sarks and Leptons.
(with Y. J. Ng)
Phys. Rev. D42, 3242-3245 (1990)
119. Classical P-Adic Spacetime.
(with B. Dragovic and B. V. Urosevic)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A5, 1521-1528 (1990)
120. Higgs Sector and Proton Decay in SU(15)
Grand Unification.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. D42, 3892-3894 (1990)
121. Natural Strong CP Conservation in Flipped Physics.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 820-822 (1990)
122. Sarks as Additional Fermions.
(with J. Agrawal, Y. J. Ng, H. Nishino, and O. Yasuda)
Nucl. Phys. B351, 161-182 (1991)
123. Beyond Planck Energy to Non-Archimedean Geometry.
(with I. Aref’eva)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A6, 313-316 (1991)
124. The Wave Function of the Universe and P-Adic Gravity.
(with I. Aref’eva, B. Dragovic, and I. Volovich)
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A6, 4341-4358 (1991)
125. Theta-Parameter Evolution and
Topological-Charge Matching Conditions in Chiral-Color Theory.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. D43, 624-625 (1991)
126. Axigluon Mass Bound from e+e- Annihilation.
(with F. Cuypers and A. F. Falk)
Phys. Lett. 259B, 173-174 (1991)
127. Method for Constructing Models with Strong CP Invariance.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 66 1666-1668 (1991)
128. Strong and Weak CP in a Model with a New
Gauged U(1) Symmetry.
(with D. Ng)
Phys. Rev. D43, 3034-3039 (1991)
129. Heavy Axion on Sark Bridge Between Higgs and
Technicolor Models.
( with T. Yanagida )
Mod. Phys. Lett. A6, 1589-1596 (1991)
130. Simplified Symmetric Quark Mass Matrices and Flavor Mixing.
(with Y. Okada)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A6, 2169-2172 (1991)
131. Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in a Sark Model.
(with O. Yasuda)
Phys. Rev. D44, 3709-3710 (1991)
132. Light Leptoquarks as Possible Signature for
Strong-Electroweak Unification.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A7, 559-562 (1992)
133. Phenomenology of the Aspon Model of CP Violation.
(with D. Ng, T. W. Kephart and T. J. Weiler)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 2129-2132 (1992)
134. Consistency Checks of Grand Unified Theories.
(with U. Amaldi, H. De Boer, H. Furstenau, and J. T. Liu)
Phys. Lett. 281B, 374-382 (1992)
135. Bottom Quark Mass Predictions in
Non-Supersymmetric SU(5) Unification.
(with J. T. Liu and M. Yamaguchi)
Phys. Lett. B277, 130-136 (1992)
136. Dilepton Gauge Bosons: Present Status
and Future Prospects.
(with D. Ng)
Phys. Rev. D45, 4240-4245 (1992)
137. Are 100GeV Electron-Electron Collisions Interesting?
Mod. Phys. Lett. A7, 2017-2019 (1992)
138. Lower Bound on Dilepton Mass from Polarized Muon Decay.
(with E. D. Carlson)
Phys. Lett. 283B, 123-124 (1992)
139. Possible Solution of Strong CP Problem in
Generalized Unimodular Gravity.
(with Y. J. Ng and H. Van Dam)
J. Math. Phys. 33, 3881-3882 (1992)
140. Dilepton Production in e-p and e-e+ Colliders.
(with J. Agrawal and D. Ng)
Nucl. Phys. B386,267-279 (1992)
141. Chiral Dilepton Model and the Flavor Question.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2889-2891 (1992)
142. Chiral Aspon Model: An Alternative Fully
Gauged Model of CP Violation.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys.Rev. D47,3655 – 3657 (1993)
143. Searching for Dileptons in Z Decay.
(with T. W. Kephart, D. Ng and T. C. Yuan)
Phys. Lett. B317, 369-370 (1993)
144. Search for Heavy Leptons at Hadron Colliders.
(with D. Ng, M. Sher and Y. Yuan)
Phys. Rev. D48, 3128-3135 (1993)
145. Heterotic Parafermionic Superstring.
(with J. T. Liu)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 130-133 (1993)
146. Cubic Mass Relation in the SU(3)XU(1)
Electroweak Theory.
(with P. Krastev and J.T.Liu)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A9, 761-770 (1994)
147. Influence of Additional Fermions and Gauge Bosons on
Epsilon Prime Over Epsilon..
(with J. Agrawal)
Nucl. Phys. B419, 254-278 (1994)
148. Phenomenology of a 3-3-1 Model of Flavor.
(with J.T.Liu, D.Ng and B.C.Rasco)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A9,1975 – 1984 (1994).
149. Outcome from Spontaneous CP Violation for B Decays.
(with A. W. Ackley, B. Kayser and C. N. Leung)
Phys. Rev. D50, 3560 – 3563 (1994)
150. Partial Derivation of the Transformation Properties of
Quarks and Leptons.
(with R. N. Mohapatra)
Phys. Rev. D50, 3569 -3571 (1994).
151. Minimal Family Symmetry.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. D51, 1 – 4 (1995).
152. Spontaneous CP violation and Neutral B Meson Decays.
Pramana (India) 45 (Supplement) 109-112 (1995).
153. Family Symmetry.
Pramana (India) 45 (Supplement) 113-116 (1995).
154. Simple Non-Abelian Finite Flavor Groups and Fermion Masses.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Int. J. Mod. Phys. 10A , 4689-4704 (1995).
155. Massive Superstrings are Black Holes.
(with T. W. Kephart)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A10 , 2571-2578 (1995).
156. The Decay b Quark into s Quark + Photon in the 3-3-1 Model.
(with J. Agrawal and J. T. Liu )
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A11, 2263 – 2280 (1996).
157. Quark Mass Textures within a Finite
Non-Abelian Dicyclic Group.
(with O. C. W. Kong)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 781-784 (1995).
158. Dilepton Production in High Luminosity
Multi-GeV Electron Scattering.
(with B. C. Rasco)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 1899-1902 (1995).
159. Effective Lagrangians and Parity-Conserving
Time-Reversal Violation at Low Energies.
(with J. Engel and R. Springer)
Phys. Rev. D53, 5112 – 5114 (1996).
160. Flavors and Horizontal Symmetries.
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 123, 327 – 335 (1996).
161. Dicyclic Horizontal Symmetry and
Supersymmetric Grand Unification.
(with O. C. W. Kong)
Phys. Rev. D53, 2293-2295 (1996).
162. Horizontal Symmetry for Quark and Squark Masses in
Supersymmetric SU(5).
(with O. C. W. Kong)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1699 – 1702 (1996).
163. Narrow Resonance in e-e- Scattering due to
Additional Gauge Boson.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. 11A, 1621 – 1626 (1996).
164. Elusive Z’ Coupled to Quarks of Third Generation.
(with M. B. Wise and B. D. Wright)
Phys. Rev. D54, 5820 – 5823 (1996)
LINKS TO arXiv START 1997 —
165. Quarks, Squarks and Textures.
(with O. C. W. Kong )
Phys. Rev. D55, 5501-5507 (1997).
166. Z_8′ Orbifold Models, Supersymmetry Breaking, and Cosmology.
(with B. Keszthelyi, T. W. Kephart and B. D. Wright )
Mod. Phys. Lett. A12, 439-446 (1997)
167. Production of Two Non-Conjugate Leptoquarks in e-e- Collisions
(with F. Cuypers and R. Rueckl)
Phys. Lett. B390, 221-226 (1997)
168. Cabibbo Mixing and the Search for CP Violation in the Aspon Model.
(with S. L. Glashow)
Phys. Rev. D55, 1691-1692 (1997)
169. Strong CP and Low-Energy Supersymmetry.
(with O.C.W. Kong)
Phys. Lett. B402,297-302 (1997).
170. Longevity and Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays.
(with B. Keszthelyi and Y.J. Ng)
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D8, 1-6 (1999).
171. Long-Lived Quarks?
(with P.Q. Hung)
Phys. Rev. D58, 057704-1 to 057704-4(1998)
172. Constraints from Precision Electroweak Data on Leptoquarks and Bileptons.
(with M. Harada)
Phys. Rev. D58. 095013-1 to 095013-10 (1998).
173. Bileptons – Status and Prospects.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A13, 2345-2349 (1998)
174. Kaon Spontaneous CP Violation Reevaluated.
(with M. Harada)
Phys. Rev. D59, 017901-1 to 017901-3 (1999).
175. Alternative Solution of Strong CP.
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Supp.) 72, 36-39 (1999).
176. Bileptons from Muon Collider Backward Scattering.
(with X. Guan)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A13, 2621-2625 (1998).
177. Neutron Electric Dipole Moment and Spontaneous CP Breaking.
(with M. Harada)
Phys. Lett. B436, 369-371 (1998).
178. Cosmic Background Radiation Temperature Anisotropy:
Position of First Doppler Peak.
(with Y.J. Ng and R.N. Rohm)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A13, 2541 – 2549 (1998).
179. Quarks and Leptons beyond the Third Generation.
(with P.Q. Hung and M. Sher).
Physics Reports 330, 263-348 (2000).
180. Aspects of Soft and Spontaneous CP Violation.
(with M. Harada).
Phys. Rev D59, 036004-1 to 036004-9 (1999).
181. ADS/CFT String Duality and Conformal Gauge Field Theories.
Phys. Rev. D60, 041901-1 to 041901-3 (1999)
182. Conformal N=0 d=4 Gauge Theories from
AdS/CFT Superstring Duality?
(with W.F. Shively)
Phys. Lett. B454, 49-52 (1999).
183. Unification with Enlarged Kaluza-Klein Dimensions.
(with A. Rasin)
Phys. Lett. 460B, 313-324 (1999)
184. Mersenne Primes. Polygonal Anomalies and String
Theory Classification.
(with T.W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. D60, 087901-1 to 087901-4 (1999)
185. Conformality and Gauge Coupling Unification.
Phys. Rev. D60, 085004-1 to 085004-3 (1999)
186. Can the Zee Ansatz for Neutrino Masses be Correct?
(with S.L. Glashow)
Phys. Lett. B461, 95-98 (1999).
187. Conformality from Field-String Duality on Abelian Orbifolds.
Phys. Rev. D60, 121901-1 to 121901-3 (1999)
188. Nonabelian Discrete Symmetries, Fermion Mass Textures and Large Neutrino Mixing.
(with A. Rasin)
Phys. Lett. 478B, 424-433 (2000).
189. Chiral Fermions and AdS/CFT Duality for a Nonabelian Manifold.
(with T.W. Kephart)
Phys. Lett. B 485, 403-407 (2000).
190. Bilepton Resonance in Electron-Electron Scattering.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A15, 2455-2460 (2000).
191. Relic Neutrinos and Z-Resonance Mechanism for
Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays.
(with J.L. Crooks and J.O. Dunn)
Ap.J. Lett.546, L1-L3 (2001).
192. Seeking Gauge Bileptons in Linear Colliders.
(with A. Rasin)
Phys. Lett. B 482, 129-132 (2000).
193. Economic Model for Neutrino Masses and Mixings.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A16, Suppl. 1C, 701-703 (2001).
194. AdS/CFT Duality and Conformality for Non-Abelian Orbifold.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A16, Suppl. 1C, 975-977 (2001).
195. Quintessence Model and Cosmic Microwave Background.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A16, Suppl. 1C, 1050-1052 (2001).
196. CMB with Quintessence: Analytic Approach and CMBFAST.
(with James L. Crooks, James O. Dunn, Y.Jack Ng and Ryan Rohm)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A16, 63-73 (2001).
197. Finite N AdS/CFT Correspondence for Abelian and Nonabelian Orbifolds,
and Gauge Coupling Unification.
J. Math. Phys. 42, 2915-2928 (2001).
198. Classification of Conformality Models Based on Nonabelian Orbifolds.
(with T.W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. D64, 086007-1 to 086007-33 (2001)
199. Model of Soft CP Violation Using Scalars with Quark
Number Two.
(with S.L. Glashow and T. Yoshikawa)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 011801 (2001).
200. Prediction of Sine Squared Theta in the Conformal
Approach to Coupling Unification.
(with R.N. Mohapatra and S. Suh)
Phys. Lett. 520B, 331-336 (2001).
201. Modified Dispersion Relations from Closed Strings in Toroidal Cosmology.
(with M. Bastero-Gil and L. Mersini).
Phys. Rev. D65, 106002-1 to 106002-12 (2002).
202. Zee Model Confronts SNO Data.
(with M. Oh and T. Yoshikawa)
Phys. Rev. D65, 073014-1 to 073014-6 (2002).
203. Zeroes of the Neutrino Mass Matrix.
(with S.L. Glashow and D. Marfatia)
Phys. Lett. B536B, 79-82 (2002).
204. Majorana Mass Zeroes from Triplet VEV without
Majoron Problem.
(with M.C. Oh and T. Yoshikawa)
Phys.Rev. D66, 033006-1 to 033006-8 (2002).
205. Sufficiently Small $\bar{\theta}$ from $SU(3)^3 \times
S_3$ Unification.
(with H. Cheng, K. Chalut, K. Stowe and T. Yoshikawa)
Mod.Phys. Lett. A17, 1513-1524 (2002).
206. Cosmological Sign of Neutrino CP Violation.
(with S.L. Glashow and T. Yanagida)
Phys. Lett. B548, 119-121 (2002).
207. Spontaneous CP Violation: An Alternative to the Standard Model.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A17 S1, 47-57 (2002).
208. How to Test Stringy Dark Energy.
Phys. Lett. B555, 139-143 (2003).
209. The Fate of Dark Energy.
(with T. Takahashi)
Phys. Lett. B557, 135-138 (2003).
210. Strong-Electroweak Unification at About 4 TeV.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A18, 1377 – 1382 (2003).
211. Cosmic Degeneracy with Dark Energy Equation of State.
(with J.L Crooks, J.O. Dunn, H.R. Norton and T. Takahashi)
Astropart. Phys. 20, 361-367 (2003).
212. AdS/CFT and QCD with Quarks in Fundamantal Representations.
Phys. Lett. B567, 265-267 (2003).
213. Robustness and Predictivity of 4 TeV Unification.
(with R.M. Rohm and T. Takahashi).
Phys. Lett. B570, 67 (2003).
214. Consistency Conditions for AdS/CFT Embeddings.
(with T.W. Kephart)
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A19, 593-598 (2004).
215. MSSM from AdS/CFT.
(with T.W. Kephart)
Phys. Lett. B585, 24-28 (2004).
216. Stability Issues for Dark Energy
Mod. Phys. Lett. A19, 801-806 (2004).
217. On Deviations from Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing.
(with S. Petcov and W. Rodejohann).
Nucl.Phys. B287, 31-54 (2004).
218. Bigger Rip with No Dark Energy.
(with T. Takahashi)
Astropart. Phys. 22, 307 – 312 (2004).
219. Candidates for Inflaton in Quiver Gauge Theory.
(with T. Takahashi)
Phys. Rev. D70, 083530-1 to 083530-5 (2004).
220. String Approach to QCD Quarks in Fundamental Representations.
Talk at 20th IAP Colloquium on Nonperturbative QCD.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20, 4503-4507 (2005).
221. Possible Gauge Theoretic Origin for Quark-Lepton Complementarity.
(with R.N. Mohapatra)
JHEP 01:025 (2005).
222. Primordial Black Holes, Hawking Radiation and the Early Universe
(with T.W. Kephart)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A20, 1573-1576 (2005).
223. Aspects of Neutrino Mass Matrices
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20, 1188-1196 (2005).
224. Chiral Fermions and Quadratic Divergences.
(with X. Calmet and R.M. Rohm)
Phys. Rev. D72, 055003 (2005).
225. High Energy Cosmic Rays from Sequestered X Bursts.
(with P.L. Biermann)
Phys. Lett. B634, 125-129 (2006).
226. Testable and Untestable Aspects of Dark Energy
Mod. Phys. Lett. A21, 649-652 (2006)
227. Suggestion of Explicit Field Transformations underlying Misaligned Supersymmetry.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A21, 893-897 (2006).
228. Conformal Transformations and Accelerated Cosmologies.
(with J.L. Crooks)
Phys. Rev. D73, 123512 (2006).
229. Anomaly Cancellation and Conformality in Quiver Gauge Theories
(with E. Di Napoli)
Phys. Lett. B638, 374-381 (2006).
230. mSUGRA celebrates is 20th year
(with P. Nath)
CERN Courier, 43 N7, 27-28 (2003).
231. Proton Decay in Teravolt Unification
Mod. Phys. Lett. A22, 347-349 (2007).
232. Turnaround in Cyclic Cosmology.
(with L. Baum)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 071301 (2007)
233. Dark Matter Candidate from Conformality.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A22, 931-937 (2007).
234. Flavor Symmetry for Quarks and Leptons
(with T.W. Kephart)
JHEP 09:110 (2007).
arXiv:0706.1186 [hep-ph]
235. Cyclic Universe and Infinite Past.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A22, 2587 – 2592 (2007).
arXiv:0705.2730 [astro-ph]
236. Quiver Gauge Theory and Conformality at the TeV Scale.
(with T.W. Kephart)
Physics Reports 454, 203-269 (2008).
arXiv:0706.4259 [hep-ph]
237. Entropy of Contracting Universe in Cyclic Cosmology.
(with L. Baum)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A23, 36 – 39 (2008).
238. Constraints on Deflation from the Equation of State of Dark Energy.
(with L. Baum and S. Matsuzaki)
JCAP 04: 032 (2008).
arXiv:0801.4420 [hep-th]
239. Upper and Lower Bounds on Gravitational Entropy.
(with T.W. Kephart)
JCAP 06: 008 (2008).
arXiv:0711.0193 [gr-qc]
240. Simplified Renormalizable T’ Model for Tribimaximal Mixing
and Cabibbo Angle.
(with T.W. Kephart and S. Matsuzaki)
Phys. Rev. D78, 073004 (2008).
arXiv:0807.4713 [hep-ph]
241. Innocuous Implications of a Minimum Length in Quantum Gravity
Class. Quant. Grav. 26, 018001 (2009).
arXiv:0808.0283 [hep-th]
242. Predictions for neutrino mixing angles in a $T^{‘}$ model.
(with D.A. Eby and S. Matsuzaki)
Phys. Lett. B671, 386-390 (2009)
arXiv:0810.4899 [hep-ph]
243. Strong Incompatibility of Tribimaximal Mixing with Quark-Lepton Complementarity
(with S. Matsuzaki)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A24, 429-430 (2009).
arXiv:0807.4785 [hep-ph]
244. Multifluid Models for Cyclic Cosmology.
(with I. Aref’eva and S. Matsuzaki)
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
265, 59-62 (2009).
arXiv:0802.1294 [hep-th]
245. Positron Excess, Luminous-Dark Matter Unification and Family Structure.
(with P.Q. Hung)
Phys. Lett. B675, 411-414 (2009).
arXiv:0903.0358 [hep-ph]
246. What is the Entropy of the Universe?
(with S.D.H. Hsu, T.W. Kephart and D. Reeb)
Class. Quant. Grav. 26, 145005 (2009).
arXiv:0801.1847 [hep-th]
247. Prediction for $\Gamma (H \rightarrow \tau^+\tau^-)/
\Gamma (H \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-)$ from Non-Abelian Flavor Symmetry.
(with S. Matsuzaki)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A24, 2081-2087 (2009).
arXiv:0810.1029 [hep-ph]
248. $T^{‘}$ Predictions of PMNS and KM Angles.
(with S. Matsuzaki)
Phys. Lett. B679, 347-349 (2009).
arXiv:0902.1140 [hep-ph]
249. A Note on Embedding Nonabelian Finite Flavor Groups in Continuous Groups.
(with T.W. Kephart and R.M. Rohm)
Phys. Lett. B679, 478-481 (2009).
arXiv:0904.0420 [hep-ph]
250. Analysis of Quark Mixing Using Binary Tetrahedral Flavor Symmetry
(with D.A. Eby and S. Matsuzaki)
Phys. Rev. D80, 053007 (2009).
arXiv:0907.3425 [hep-ph]
251. T’ and the Cabibbo Angle.
Plenary talk at 75 Years Since Solvay.
Nanyang Technical University, Singapore. November 2008.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A24, 3359-3365 (2009).
arXiv:0903.5228 [hep-ph]
252. Identification of All Dark Matter as Black Holes
JCAP 10: 016 (2009).
253. Fermion Mixings in SU(9) Family Unification
(with T.W. Kephart)
Phys. Lett. B681, 343-346 (2009).
arXiv:0910.1152 [astro-ph]
254. Axigluon as Possible Explanation of $\bar{p}p \rightarrow \bar{t}t$
Forward-Backward Asymmetry.
(with J. Shu and K. Wang)
Phys. Lett. B683, 294-297 (2010).
arXiv:0911.2955 [hep-ph]
255. Unitarity Boomerang.
(with X.-G. He)
Phys. Lett. B688, 67 (2010).
arXiv:1003.0301 [hep-ph]
256. Primordial Black Holes as All Dark Matter.
(with M. Kawasaki, F. Takahashi and T. Yanagida).
JCAP 04:023 (2010).
arXiv:1001.2308 [hep-ph]
257. Alternative Version of Chiral Color as Alternative to
the Standard Model.
Phys. Rev. D81, 095005 (2010).
arXiv:0910.0307 [hep-ph]
258. Desperately Seeking Intermediate-Mass Black Holes.
Plenary talk at BSM-LHC Workshop,
Notheastern University, June 2009.E-Proceedings here
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) B200-202, 176-178 (2010).
259. Probing Variant Axion Models at LHC.
(with C.R. Chen, F. Takahashi and T.Yanagida)
JHEP 1006:059 (2010).
260. Hunting for New Physics with Unitarity Boomerangs.
(with X.-G. He)
Phys. Rev. D82, 017301 (2010).
261. Number and Entropy of Halo Black Holes.
(with K.J. Ludwick)
Astropart. Phys. 34, 617-619 (2011).
arXiv:0910.1152 [astro-ph.GA]
262. LHC Higgs Production and Decay in the T’ Model,
(with C.M. Ho, T.W. Kephart and S. Matsuzaki)
Phys. Rev. D82, 113007 (2010).
263. Entropic Accelerating Universe.
(with D. Easson and G.F. Smoot).
Phys. Lett. B696, 273-277 (2011).
arXiv:1002.4278 [hep-th]
264. Holographic Principle and the Surface of Last Scatter.
Talk at 16th PASCOS Symposium.
Valencia, Spain, July 19-23, 2010.
J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 259, 012015 (2011).
265. Quartification with T’ Flavor.
(with D.A. Eby, X.-G. He and T.W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. D84, 037302 (2011)
266. Seeking Evolution of Dark Energy
(with K.J. Ludwick)
Eur. Phys. J. C71, 1735 (2011).
267. The Little Rip.
(with K.J. Ludwick and R.J. Scherrer)
Phys. Rev. D84, 063003 (2011)
268. Models for Little Rip Dark Energy
(with K.J. Ludwick, S. Nojiri, S.D. Odintsov, and R.J. Scherrer)
Phys. Lett. B708, 204-211 (2012)
269. Dark Matter from Binary Tetrahedral Flavor Symmetry
(with D.A. Eby)
Phys. Lett. B713, 249-254 (2012).
270. Pseudo-Rip: Cosmological Models intermediate between the cosmological constant and the little rip
(with K.J. Ludwick and R.J. Scherrer)
Phys. Rev. D85, 083001 (2012).
271. T2K Signals Non-Maximal Atmospheric Neutrino Mixing
(with D.A. Eby)
Phys. Rev. D86, 117304 (2012).
272. Entropic Inflation
(with D.A. Easson and G.F. Smoot)
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A27, 1250066 (2012)
273. Three Generations in Minimally Extended Standard Models
(with C.M. Ho and T.W. Kephart)
Phys. Lett. B715, 275 (2012)
274. Using Newton´s Law for Dark Energy
Mod. Phys. Lett. A27, 1250204 (2012).
275. Remarks on the Cosmological Constant
Mod. Phys. Lett. A28, 1350001 (2013).
276. Cyclic Cosmology from the Little Rip
(with K.J. Ludwick)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A28, 1350125 (2013).
277. Heterotic Discrete Flavor Model
(with C.M. Ho and T.W. Kephart)
Phys. Rev. D89, 027701 (2014).
278. A Possible Reason for M(H) ~ 126 GeV
(with P.Q. Hung)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A29, 1450006 (2014).
279. Lepton Number Conservation, Long-Lived Quarks and Superweak Bileptonic Decays
Phys. Lett. B747, 187-189 (2015).
280. Cyclic Entropy: An Alternative to Inflationary Cosmology.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A30, 1550129 (2015).
281. The Primordial Black Hole Mass Range.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A31, 1650064 (2016).
282. Scale Invariant Density Perturbations from Cyclic Cosmology.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A31, 1650076 (2016).
283. Pre-String Theory.
Memorial Volume for Y. Nambu,
Editors: L. Brink, L.N. Chang, M.Y. Han and K.K. Phua.
World Scientific Publishing Company (2016). Pages 67-71.
Mod. Phys.Lett. A31, 1630012 (2016).
arXiv:1508.06382 [physics.hist-ph].
284. Searching for Dark Matter Constituents with Many Solar Masses.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A31, 1650093 (2016).
285. X-Events and Their Interpretation.
(with C. Coriano)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A31, 1650180 (2016).
286. Intermediate Mass MACHOs: A New Direction for Dark Matter Searches.
(with G.F. Chapline)
JCAP 11, 042 (2016).
287. Angular Momentum of Dark Matter Black Holes.
Phys. Lett. B767, 303 (2017).
288. $SU(3)^p$ Quiver Theories and {\cal N} =0 for p = 8 and 9.
(with C. Coriano)
Phys. Lett. B769, 322 (2017).
289. Second Octant Favored for Non-Maximal $\theta_{23}$.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A32, 1750101 (2017).
290. Theory of Dark Matter
Talk at Conference on Cosmology, Gravitational Waves
and Particles, February 6-10, 2017,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A32, 1730013 (2017).
291. Cyclic Period in the CBE Model.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A32, 1750132 (2017).
292. Bilepton Signatures at the LHC.
(with G. Corcella, C. Coriano and A. Costantini).
Phys. Lett. B773, 544 (2017).
293. Holographic Entanglement Entropy in Cyclic Cosmology.
Phys.Dark Univ. 20, 28 (2018).
294. Dark Matter as Ultralight Axion-Like Particle in
E(6) X U(1)_X GUT with QCD Axion.
(with C. Coriano)
Phys. Lett. B782, 380 (2018).
295. Exploring Scalar and Vector Bileptons at the LHC in the 331 Model.
(with G. Corcella, C. Coriano and A. Costantini)
Phys. Lett. B785, 73-83 (2018).
296. Remarks on Dark Matter Constituents with Many Solar Masses.
(with C. Coriano)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A33, 1850165 (2018).
297. Maximum PBH Mass and Primordiality.
Mod.Phys.Lett. A33, 1850176 (2018).
298. Cyclic Cosmology and Holographic Entanglement Entropy.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A33, 1844028 (2018).
299. On the Origin and Nature of Dark Matter.
Int.J.Mod.Phys. A33, 1830030 (2018).
300. Dark Matter with Stueckelberg Axions.
(with C. Coriano, N. Irges and A. Tatullo)
Frontiers in Physics 7, 36 (2019).
301. Possible Bilepton Resonances in Like-Sign Pairs.
(with C. Coriano)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A33, 1950076 (2019).
302. Dark Matter Gravity Waves at LIGO and LISA.
Mod.Phys.Lett. A33, 1950124 (2019).
303. Two Cosmic Coincidences for Minimal Standard Model
with General Relativity.
(with H.B. Nielsen).
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A34, 1950163 (2019).
304. Holographic Principle, Cosmological Constant and
Cyclic Cosmology.
(with C. Coriano)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A35, 1950355. (2020).
305. An Axion-Like Particle from an $SO(10)$
See Saw with $U(1)_{X}$.
(with C. Coriano, A. Tatulio and D. Theofilopoulos).
Phys. Lett. B802, 135273 (2020).
306. Particle Theory at Chicago in Late Sixties and p-Adic Strings.
J. Phys. A53, 191001 (2020).
307. Tetrahedral A4 Symmetry in anti-SU(5) GUT.
(with J.E. Kim, S.-J. Kim and S. Nam).
Phys. Rev. D101, 055022 (2020).
308. Anticorrelation of Mass and Mixing Angle Hierarchies.
(with J.E. Kim)
J. Korean Phys. Soc. 76, 695 (2020).
309. L(mu)-L(tau) Effects to Quarks and Leptons
from Flavor Unification.
(with S.K. Kang, J.E. Kim and S. Nam)
Phys. Rev. D102, 013005 (2020).
310. Conformal Unification in a Quiver Theory
and Gravitational Waves.
(with C. Coriano and A. Tatullo)
Phys. Lett. B811, 135909 (2020).
311. Primordial Intermediate Mass Black Holes as Dark Matter.
Talk at 8th Int. Conf. on New Frontiers in Physics (INFP-2019)
Conference Center of the Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC)
Kolymbari, Crete, Greece. August 21-29, 2019.
Int.J. Mod. Phys. A35, 2044028 (2020).
312. Refined Mass Estimate for Bilepton Gauge Boson.
(with C. Coriano).
Mod. Phys. Lett. A36, 2150118 (2021).
313. Additional Baryons and Mesons.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A36, 2150179 (2021).
314. Ultralight Axions Versus Primordial Black Holes.
(with C. Coriano and J.E. Kim).
Mod. Phys. Lett. A36, 2150241 (2021).
315.Non-Leptonic Decays of Bileptons.
(with G. Corcella, C. Coriano and A. Costantini)
Phys. Lett. B826,. 136904 (2022).
316.Memories of Steven Weinberg (1933-2021).
Symmetry 14, 488 (2022).
317. A Novel Viewpoint of Proton Decay.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A37, 2250039 (2022).
318. Entropy of the Universe and Hierarchical Dark Matter.
Entropy. 24, 1171 (2022).
319. Electromagnetic Accelerating Universe.
Phys. Lett. B835, 137480 (2022).
320. A Model of Dark Matter and Energy.
Mod. Phys. Lett. A38, 2350032 (2023).
321. An SU(15) Approach to Bifermion Classification.
(with C. Coriano, T.W. Kephart, D. Melle and T.C. Yuan).
Mod.Phys. Lett. A38, 2350124 (2023).
322. Atmospheric Neutrino Octant from Flavour Symmetry.
(with C. Coriano and P. Santorelli).
Mod. Phys. Lett. A39, 2450028 (2024).
323. Status of Electromagnetic Accelerating Universe.
Entropy (2024, in press) and in Particle Theory and Theoretical Cosmology, edited by P.H.Frampton and T.W.Kephart, 80th anniversary Festschrift book for P.H.Frampton. MDPI publishing (2024).
324. The Amaterasu Particle as a Magnetic Monopole
and Implications for Extensions of the Standard Model.
(with T.W. Kephart).
Phys. Lett. B855, 138777 (2024).
Link to history and details of refereed journal articles.